
In the world of finance, two popular investment options stand out: mutual funds and hedge funds. They may seem similar at first. But they each play a unique role in the financial orchestra. Just like two instruments playing diverse sounds and rhythms in a symphony. 

By understanding the difference between a mutual fund and a hedge fund, you can unlock one of the hidden secrets of wealth management. 

Let us explore some key differences between these different types of funds.

Investor requirements 

Mutual funds are available to investors like retail investors and institutions. Mutual funds have a minimum investment requirement. This amount is low and accessible to most investors. 

Hedge funds are only available to high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. They often require a significant minimum investment which can be a huge amount like millions.

Investment strategies

Mutual funds aim to achieve market returns by investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and other assets. The fund manager makes investment decisions on your behalf based on market conditions.

Hedge funds are designed to generate higher returns by taking on higher risks. They offer investments in derivatives. They involve other investment strategies like leverage, short-selling etc to increase returns. 


Risk profiles

Mutual funds are regarded as lower-risk investment opportunities. They invest in a diversified portfolio of assets and thereby minimizing risks. 

Investments in hedge funds are highly risky due to their complex investment strategies and are more exposed to market volatility. If you are a high-net-worth individual and ready to take greater risks, you can get higher returns from these funds.


Mutual funds charge a fee known as the expense ratio. The expense ratio covers the fund’s operating expenses. But the expense ratio for mutual funds is generally lower than that of hedge funds.

Hedge funds charge much higher fees than mutual funds. They are more actively managed than mutual funds. Therefore their fees are very high.

Redemption terms

Investing in a mutual fund provides the flexibility to redeem your units on any business day. You have the freedom to sell your mutual fund holdings whenever you want. Consequently, you can convert your mutual fund units into cash based on the current market value. 

Hedge funds are less liquid. It is more difficult to access your money from a hedge fund compared to other investment options. Some hedge funds allow investors to redeem their money on a weekly or monthly basis. But others offer redemption options only on a quarterly or annual basis.

Mutual funds and hedge funds are two types of investment vehicles. The significance of these increases in this changing realm of finance.

Are you looking for investments?

Kashly team can help you start your mutual fund investments with the right assistance. signup here

Therefore understanding the difference between these two instruments is very crucial to make wise investment decisions for every investor. 

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