
Investing in mutual funds is a journey towards your financial dreams. You can achieve prosperity and security with these funds. Yet, just like any adventure, there are risks associated with mutual funds. 

To be a successful investor, you need to understand them. So let us have a look. 

Market risk

Market risk is also known as systematic risk. This risk arises from the unpredictability of financial markets. 

Market risk means a chance for losses due to the unpredictable nature of financial markets. Therefore, you need to understand how market fluctuations can impact your investments. 

We know mutual funds pool money from various investors and create a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets. Consequently, when the financial markets experience fluctuations, the value of these assets can change.

When markets are doing well, the value of the assets in your mutual fund will rise. Then your returns will also rise. But, if the market is not good, the value of these assets will decrease. This fluctuation in asset values is where the risk lies.

Market risk is beyond your control. It is influenced by external factors like economic conditions, political events, and investor sentiment. Consequently, understanding this risk is crucial for managing your portfolio effectively.


Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is related to your ease of selling assets at a desired price. This risk arises when you allocate investments to less liquid assets that can’t easily be converted into cash.

There are so many illiquid assets like real estate, private equity, or certain types of bonds. They might not have an active secondary market. So it may become challenging for you to find a buyer to purchase them at a desired price.

Furthermore, when economic conditions change, selling illiquid assets becomes more complicated. Then you will have to sell these assets at a discount. As a result, there will be a loss of value for your investment.

Credit risk

Investing in a mutual fund that purchases bonds, debentures, or other loans issued by corporations or governments involves a risk. This risk is known as credit risk.

Credit risk is the chance of losing the invested capital or the expected interest earnings. 

The impact of credit risk depends on the type of bonds or loans within the mutual fund’s portfolio. For example, corporate bonds have higher credit risk compared to government bonds. Because corporations face more financial instability. 

Moreover, credit risk can also fluctuate with changes in economic conditions. During economic downturns, the chance of default on these assets will rise. So there would be an increased credit risk.


Interest rate risk 

Interest rate risk is a serious threat to mutual fund investments. This risk happens to those funds that allocate their assets to fixed-income securities, such as bonds. Changes in interest rates can affect the value of the securities in a mutual fund. 

For example, if interest rates increase, the value of the fund’s debt securities decreases. So there will be a reduction in the Net Asset Value of the fund. Consequently, this leads to a decrease in the returns for investors. 

Conversely, when interest rates decrease, bond prices increase. Therefore the fund’s Net Asset Value increases.

Management risk

Management risk is a critical factor affecting the performance of a mutual fund. 

The skill of the fund manager plays an important role in determining your returns. So poor management decisions can hurt your returns. 

Are you looking for investments?

Kashly team can help you start your mutual fund investments with the right assistance. signup here


The key to success in investment lies in staying calm in the face of uncertainty. So, embrace the benefits and understand the risks associated with mutual funds. Your financial horizon awaits, and the journey is yours to conquer!

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