
An emergency fund is like a safety net. Its main goal is to have money easily available for unexpected events. It is a stash of money in case something unexpected happens. 

Why is an emergency fund important?  The main reason is to have quick access to funds whenever you need them. Moreover, emergencies can happen at any time. So it is best to be prepared.

Mutual funds are subject to market fluctuations. But you can include mutual funds in your emergency fund strategy.

Here is how you can do it:

Build a basic emergency fund

Before thinking about mutual funds, you must first establish a basic emergency fund. This fund should contain enough money to cover the expenses for 3-6 months.

You should keep this fund in an account that is both highly liquid and low-risk. For example, you can keep your money in a savings account. 


This way, you can access cash quickly in case of emergencies. So you don’t have to be concerned about the fluctuations in the market.

Assess risk tolerance 

Assessing your risk tolerance is crucial to determine how much of your emergency fund you are comfortable investing in mutual funds.

While there is a potential for higher returns, there is also a risk of losing money. To make a wise decision, consider your financial goals and risk tolerance. 

Invest in low-risk mutual funds 

If you decide to proceed, you should select mutual funds with good asset allocation and stable performance. 

For example, you can invest in low-risk assets such as government bonds or high-quality corporate bonds. Consequently, equity funds tend to be more volatile than them.

As a result, they can offer more stability to your emergency fund. So this will ensure that your money is safe. 


Rupee-cost averaging

Rupee-cost averaging is a strategy where you invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, like every month. Instead of investing a lump sum all at once, this method spreads out your investments over time. 

By doing this, market fluctuations won’t be a worry for you. This method reduces the impact of market fluctuations on your investments. 

Keep a portion of the emergency fund in the liquid assets

It is a good idea to invest a part of your fund in mutual funds. However, you must keep a large portion of it in liquid and low-risk assets. 

Why? Because this way, you will always have easy access to your money in case of emergencies.

By doing so, you don’t have to worry about the downturn of the market. Additionally, this ensures that your money is safe and available whenever you might need it.

Reassess your financial situation

Having an emergency fund and investing in mutual funds are good ways to manage your finances. However, you should regularly review how they are working.

For example,  if you have financial goals, such as saving for a vacation or your child’s education, your financial priorities may shift. So you need to re-examine your investment strategy. 

Additionally, the performance of your investments can fluctuate with the market. This can impact your returns and risk level. Therefore, it is essential to monitor your investments and make adjustments. 

Are you looking for investments?

Kashly team can help you start your mutual fund investments with the right assistance. signup here

Be prepared for fluctuations

Mutual funds are subject to market risk. So, be prepared. Market downturns may decrease the value of your fund.

An emergency fund gives you peace of mind. It helps you to avoid going into debt when unexpected expenses arise. Consequently, you won’t need to borrow money and worry about high-interest rates.

Therefore, having an emergency fund is crucial to handle unforeseen events smoothly. If you include mutual funds in your emergency fund strategy, you can make your financial future brighter. 

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